Strong Rooting is key to successful Winter Crops
Our monthly update from resident ag specialist Luke Moran
As winter crops sit with cold and wet feet over the next few months, it’s an excellent time to boost root structures and plant health by supplying some much needed plant nutrients. This will help improve nutrient uptake and improve spring growth.
With most of the winter cash crops being sown recently in relatively good dry conditions, I took some time to observe some winter oil seed rape crops which were sown in late August and early September. Crops are looking good from above ground but as I dug around, I noticed poorer root structures in crops which were sown conventionally (plough and one pass).
The root structure of an OSR plant is integral to a high yield cropping. Its strong tap root allows the plant to grow tall and wide to ensure maximum use of photosynthetic energy during flowering. Without a prominent root structure, OSR can suffer from lodging coming to harvest, stress due to lack of nutrient uptake and thus reduced effectiveness and margin of the crop. If any readers are experiencing the same problem then do get in touch with us.
Luke Moran
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