Agri-Waste Management 2022
Hello from Nova Q!
Now more than ever, slurry needs to be seen as a valuable resource. With the increasing costs of energy and fertiliser, the way we handle slurry has come sharply into focus.
We believe that not only is slurry an important resource, but an essential pillar to healthy soil.
Here at Nova Q we are constantly working to help farmers utilise the full potential of their slurries and manures.
Our ACTIVATOR bacteria is effective in the following areas...
- Eliminates crusting and improves homogeneity.
- Significantly reduces odours from ammonia and sulphides in particular.
- Locks in nitrogen and sulphur therefore improving fertiliser value.
- Reduces requirements for additional nitrogen fertiliser, both through better nitrogen retention and the presence of nitrogen-fixing plant growth-promoting bacteria.
- The Activator mix contains species that are proven to enhance the availability of potassium and phosphorous in the soil following application.
- The Activator mix can also be applied to land a week or two after spreading to maximise the value of any organic fertiliser.
Prevents odour
Odour in slurry is largely sulphur (hydrogen sulphide) and nitrogen (ammonia). Therefore, if you smell it, you are losing it.
Odour reduction is the first check that slurry treatments are adding value.
Farmer Phil has been utilising his slurry with us for the past number of years, and he has validated that our ACTIVATOR bacteria reduce the odours coming off your slurry.
Click on the image below to see what Phil had to say about the difference ACTIVATOR has made to the smell coming off his slurry:
"There was no smell off the slurry; Literally not a thing"
Breakdown crusting
Untreated slurry tends to crust. When this occurs it makes agitating more difficult and expensive. Increased agitation accelerates the release and waste of available nitrogen in the form of ammonia emissions.
Our specially formulated bacteria homogenise the slurry not only breaking down crusts but also eliminating settled solids. This dramatically reduces agitating and eases pumping with pipe systems and dribble bars ensuring there are no hold-ups when it comes to spreading time.
Learn more from our FAQs:
Sulphides are a key constituent of the odours coming off agricultural waste. The sulphur in your slurry is valuable. If there is a smell off your slurry, it is losing its value.
A key part of our circular farming approach is to hold on to this valuable resource and maximise the available nutrients for your grass and crops.
Bacteria help keep the sulphur in the slurry, meaning more nutritious grass - YUM!
Reduced ammonia emissions
As with sulphides, the valuable ammonia in your slurry is often lost to the air. But this isn't just a problem for farmers.
Ammonia emissions can cause both acidification of soils and water and eutrophication in streams and lakes. It is even linked to damage of your lungs and respiratory system.
And in Ireland, approximately 90% of Ammonia emissions are derived from animal manure.
As well as taking up some ammonia to facilitate bacterial growth, biochemical reactions in the process will also reduce the pH. Reduced pH means the ammonia becomes less volatile and is retained in the liquid.
You can get more information on Nova Q and our Activator bacteria on our dedicated Agri-waste Management page:
Or if you have any queries you can contact me directly:
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+353 86 883 2000
To arrange a technical visit for a quote you can contact me or please visit our dedicated technical support page: